Our Treatment Process

Healing Minds, Bodies, and Souls

When triaging individuals for acceptance into the program, we often ask ourselves, “If not us, then who?” Many clients have nowhere else to go and previous attempts at rehabilitation have failed. They are experiencing homelessness, criminal activity, abuse, violence, addiction, anti-social behavior and mental health issues. They are usually estranged from family and simply trying to get through the day.

The Sand Island Treatment Center is a place of refuge for our clients, providing them space, guidance, and time to regain their sense of self and sense of purpose. For some people, a 30-60-90-120-day treatment program might work, but that’s not our clientele. Our clients have hit rock-bottom, and no other program can help them.

We prioritize our incoming clients based on many factors. Pregnant women are a top priority, as are people who are a clear danger to themselves and others. Clients continue to receive the same level of care regardless of health insurance coverage as long as they remain committed to recovery throughout the two-year program.

The Center is situated in a camp-like setting with a shared meeting space and dining hall, residential cottages for our residents and on-site staff, a medical facility, exercise areas, counseling spaces, and a gazebo for impromptu gatherings and visiting.


Our wrap-around treatment services include:

Group and individual counseling

Medical and psychiatric treatment and monitoring, on-site

Urinalysis screening, on-site

A shared residential community with the common goal of rebuilding life skills and behaviors that focus on physical, mental, and emotional self-care. Chores are assigned and required of all clients, as is exercise and physical activity.

In-depth individualized therapies, based on needs and challenges, which are tracked carefully by trained counselors

Group sessions, including AA meetings

Anger management counseling

We tell our clients

“If you do the work, don’t drop out or get kicked out, you’ll recover. You’ll have a meaningful and productive life again.”

Our counseling staff is proof of our success. A majority of our counselors were also clients, and this conveys a tremendous amount of credibility and trust with clients who have hit rock-bottom. Clients find hope and meaning through group sessions, individual counseling, exercise, meditation, friendship and support. It’s hope, and it’s palpable.
The road back is necessarily long, but the payoff means everything to our clients, their families, and the community. Roughly 33% of our clients complete our full two-year program, a statistic we’re very proud of given the many challenges our clients face and the success rate of similar long-term programs.

After completing our two-year program, the Center maintains contact with clients’ relatives, friends and supervising authorities to ascertain continued sobriety, assimilation into the community, and their mental and physical health.